Clogged Cartridge Filters!
Dirty cartridge filters cause the pumps to run hotter as the circ pump or jet pumps struggle to pull water through dirty filters. Heat kills pump motors and pump seals.
Dirty cartridge filters cause the water flow to slow. You might see an error code on the top side control; (HL – High Limit or FL – Low Flow or OH – Overheat). When water moves slower through the heater the heating element will overheat. When the heating element overheats the high limit switch will trip. When the heating element finally fails the GFCI Breaker will trip every time your turn the spa on.
When the pumps and heater run hot the relays on the main circuit board heat up. Heat kills circuit boards, relays, and solder joints. When the relays fail the circuit board fails.
Our #1 spa service call is, “My spa won’t heat”. The #1 cause is dirty filters. Keep you cartridge filters clean and your spa will run flawlessly for years to come. I recommend have a an extra set of filters and replacing them weekly.
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