The answer to this question is no, but there are a few factors that specify how long it will take before your pool is ready for swimming. The more important factors are knowing what your pool looked like when you closed it, knowing how long your pool’s water sat stagnant, and knowing how hot it […]
Archives for December 2013
Why should I care about Phosphates?
Zero Phosphates, Zero Problems Why should you care about Phosphates? High level of phosphates in your water can cause the pool to become cloudy. Phosphates can also make your pool water an ideal breeding ground for the growth of algae. The combination of proper water balancing, use of a sanitizer such as liquid pool shock, weekly doses of products such […]
Why do I have sand in the bottom of my pool?
This is a great question we get asked all summer long. The most common reasons for sand accumulating on the bottom of the pool are – broken lateral(s) or a crack in the lateral stand pipe assembly inside your sand filter. This happens a lot with above ground pool owners. We hear stories about pool owners disconnecting the […]