Zero Phosphates, Zero Problems
Why should you care about Phosphates? High level of phosphates in your water can cause the pool to become cloudy. Phosphates can also make your pool water an ideal breeding ground for the growth of algae. The combination of proper water balancing, use of a sanitizer such as liquid pool shock, weekly doses of products such as Algaecide and Natural Chemistry Pool Perfect + PHOSfree can all help minimize the growth of algae in the pool.
There are multiple solutions to high levels of phosphates in pool water. Natural Chemistry offers a variety of treatments that will reduce Phosphates to near zero. Phosphate levels should be maintained around 100ppb or lower. For cases of phosphates between 0-900 (PPB) in pools up to 10,000 gallons Natural Chemistry PHOSfree is the recommended solution. For cases of phosphates between 0-2000 (PPB) in pools up to 20,000 gallons Natural Chemistry PHOSfree COMMERCIAL STRENGTH is the recommended solution. For cases where phosphates are in excess of 2,000 (PPB), or if other treatments are not adequate, in pools up to 24,000 gallons we recommend a product called Revive by API. Multiple bottles of revive may be needed in some cases or if the pool is larger than 24,000 gallons. For opening and closing pools Natural Chemistry has a product that is designed for cooler temperatures, Pool Magic+PHOSfree. This product will remove up to 300ppb of phosphates. It also contains patented enzymes that help reduce organics and waterline rings.
You may be wondering… “Where do Phosphates in the pool come from?” Phosphates can come from a variety of different sources:
- Decaying plant matter
- Sediment and dirt
- Precipitation
- Soaps, deodorants, lotions, makeup, gels
- Farm or yard chemicals sprayed near the pool
- Water added though top off the pool
- Bodily fluids & waste
- Some pool chemicals also contain phosphates and orthophosphates which include most metal removers and sequestering agents
- Personal hygiene products
- Fill water
As always… Test and maintain proper water chemistry at least once a week. Doing this, as well as adding a weekly dose of Algaecide and Pool Perfect + PHOS Free goes a long way in keeping your pool Crystal Clear. For expert advice bring a water sample to your local pool store. They will perform a complete water analysis.
Some useful tips for dealing with phosphates:
- Always test your phosphate level before using PHOSfree. It is the only way to know your required dosage and if you are making progress in the phosphate removal process.
- Important: Algae must be treated first, prior to testing and lowering phosphates. Chlorine must be under 5ppm before testing phosphates.
- Color is that of weak skim milk. Some may be off white and may have sediment chunks. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING!
- Product is not affected by high levels of sanitizer
- You can swim immediately after use.
Do you have algae every year? Tell us all about your water chemistry nightmares.. We can help. Comment Below.
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