Setting The Stage: A Friend in Need As a provider of weekly pool care services in Texas, I recently had a heartwarming experience that reinforced this belief and left me feeling grateful for the bond of trust and respect that exists between myself and my customers. The Importance of Transparent Pricing It all started when […]
A Lesson in Pricing and Professionalism: Don’t Get Bent out of Shape When a Customer Complains about Price!
Running a weekly pool care business comes with its fair share of challenges, and dealing with customer complaints can be one of them. As the owner of “Pool Care Professional“, a weekly pool care business in San Antonio Texas, I want to share an experience that I believe holds a valuable lesson for anyone in […]
Are You Paying Attention to Your Expenses?
It’s time to get back to the nitty-gritty of running a successful pool care business. Today, let’s talk about one of the key pillars of positive cash flow. Watching your expenses is a critical factor that can make or break your operation. Just to share a slice of my reality – I recently got hit […]
Happy New Year!: How to Optimize Your Morning Routine for Success in 2024
A Mantra worth Reading every day! Before I begin, the picture at the beginning of my blog post is not my own. It is of a watch worn by Jocko Willink whom I will reference later in the article. In 2024, I rise with the sun – or before the sun, energized and focused. My […]
Monday Morning Perspectives for Pool Care Business Owners
Anticipating the Week Ahead Good morning to all my pool care business owners. As the dawn of a new work week breaks, it’s that period where many of us in the pool care business start to ponder on the week ahead. Our Monday morning thoughts may swing between eagerness and a bit of nervousness, it […]
Ask The Pool Guy. Why Do Customers Switch Pool Care Providers?
Your Focus is your Greatest Asset. In a recent conversation with a new weekly pool care customer, I thanked him for choosing me then asked, “So, why did you switch pool care providers?” My new customer expressed dissatisfaction with their previous pool care provider. He felt that the former pool tech did not dedicate enough […]